89: Joseph Maddison

Technician, Penske


Joseph Maddis works as a technician at Penske around 40 hours a week and did so all throughout the shutdown. Before the pandemic, a typical day at work saw Joseph mainly pulling in trucks, looking over the orders, and making the necessary repairs. However, protocol has changed drastically for his since the shutdown began. There are much more stringent sanitation processes that he has to undergo before he can do repairs on a truck, disinfecting every possible contact point on the truck, on the tools, in the building. Their efficiency has suffered, and his stress levels have increased a lot.  

Joseph was caught off guard by just how fast things changed. His managers did their best to keep them all safe though by investing in sanitizing equipment and taking proper steps. He is very grateful to have superiors who care, and he was inspired by them to do everything he could to make people feel safe as well, both inside and outside of work. He hopes that things will be able to go back to normal someday eventually. He is committed to staying positive and hoping for the best.


88: Bob Engler


90: Jay Rosenson