87: Una Farrell

Volunteer, Meals on Wheels


When people generally think of Meals on Wheels, they think of the food being delivered. But Una is one of the 10 to 12 volunteers who work in the office, keeping the scheduling going, packaging up the meals, handling the mail and so much more. As she puts it, “I’ll wear any hat they need me to.” 

She was born in Scotland and lived in London during the Second World War. Now being in the U.S. for much of her life, she knows the difficulties of moving to another country. She feels for the people who move here from hard times, not even knowing the language. She finds it personally encouraging to know she can contribute to easing someone’s difficulties.

Una had plenty of high praise for the professionalism of her co-workers and everyone involved with Meals On Wheels. They followed all recommended guidelines: mask wearing, sanitizing, etc. But the most difficult was having no general public in the building. This meant those folks who came in for a meal a few times a week no longer got that meal or what may have been their only socialization. These people now had meals delivered to them.

She hopes this pandemic is over soon, “for good.” And “that we don’t let our guard down and that we act sooner rather than later.” Additionally she hopes that the youth who feel they have nothing to worry about because they may not get it (or will not get it badly)…and those who are acting out of defiance. Simply not wearing masks or getting vaccinated simply because they have been told to, will change their actions in hopes of caring for others around them.


86: Angelique Gilyard


88: Bob Engler