78: Ben Fink

Commercial & Residential Painter


Ben was certainly an upbeat, pleasant person to interview. As he put it he is, “A glass half full kinda guy.” 

His wife was furloughed during the pandemic. So, it was the two of them at home. But he never missed a day of work. Yes, he and the painting company took all the proper precautions: masks, hand sanitizing, social distancing and he got the vaccine as soon as it was available to him. 

Even so, a few of his co-workers contracted the virus, as well as his dad, sister, and brother-in-law. All recovered just fine.

It was also hard for him to see the restaurants of friends take such a hit. One of them also had relatives die of COVID.

Ben greatly enjoys hiking. During this time, he was out on the trail everyday with his dog. Being alone was no real change for him (as it was for many others.) Hiking has him spending time alone nearly every day for 20 years now. So overall, though he understands how it impacted others, this time didn’t change his life very much.

His wish for the future is for all of us to be as happy as possible.


77: Masjid Sallah


79: Gregory Fletcher