191: John Holland

Maintenance, Reading School District


When asked to describe his tasks at this job, this soft spoken, humble man said, “Pretty much anything to keep the operations running: snow removal, grass cutting, moving furniture, fill in for custodians on vacation. Things like that.” Once the pandemic was upon us, he was sent home for a month.

When called back into work, preparing the schools for safety protocol was the main priority, along with general building maintenance. He and his co-workers would fill in for others who were stricken with COVID or had to quarantine because of exposure. Personally, he was very careful not to spend time with his grandchildren.

About going through this pandemic he says, “It brought out the good and the bad in people. Some stepped up and were very helpful. Others were (after a brief pause he said with a chuckle) how they are.” 

He thinks the world may have a different outlook on things now. But hopes it all returns to normal again soon.


190: Kevin Barhhardt


192: Ray Smith