190: Kevin Barhhardt

County Commissioner


A community turns to the local government for guidance during times of crisis. County Commissioner Kevin Barnhardt sought to provide that guidance during the pandemic. 

Kevin knew he had to react to the federal declaration and the state declaration; however, there was no playbook for how to react. Work was done remotely when necessary. He and his team established a virtual platform for communication. Contact tracing was established and he began to help facilitate obtaining and providing financial support for local businesses and nonprofit organizations. One such organization who received assistance was Helping Harvest who received 3 million dollars to serve Berks countians in need of food. 

A Covid-19 leadership team was created to identify and to address the needs of the county including the needs of Berks County Prison, Berks Heim and many other nursing homes and independent living facilities. Kevin was acutely aware that the elderly who were living in nursing homes and assisted living facilities were especially vulnerable during the pandemic. Sadly, Kevin lost his father who was living at Maidencreek Place, a retirement community. Additionally, Kevin was very concerned that he would carry Covid-19 to his wife who is diagnosed with leukemia. When the vaccine came out, both Kevin and his wife were relieved to be able to get vaccinated. 

Commissioner Barnhardt felt that there was an outpouring of people willing to help during Covid-19.  He saw incredible willingness in people to do what it takes to get through a crisis. He is very proud of groups like Helping Harvest and Olivet’s Boys and Girls club who continued their work through the pandemic and he is very proud of the perseverance of business owners in Berks county. 

Commissioner Barnhardt  feels his empathy for others has increased because of the pandemic. He is acutely aware that the isolation of the pandemic especially affected those who are emotionally fragile due to mental illness and/or drug addiction. He notes that this year, Berks county has had the highest number of overdose deaths in recent years. The effects of Covid-19 are very far reaching and complex. His wish is that 70% or more of Berks county gets vaccinated. His desire is that we are well protected and hopes that others who are hesitant will come forward and get vaccinated.


189: Courtney Shober


191: John Holland