184: Frank Moyer

School Bus Driver


Frank Moyer is a supervisor and a school bus driver. During the pandemic, school bus drivers followed a strict protocol to keep buses clean and safe. These cleaning procedures were conducted between each bus ride.

In order to teach other drivers, Frank  made a video to show what steps each driver needed to take. School districts reduced the numbers of students on buses. Various school districts responded differently so bus drivers needed to remain flexible. 

There was constant change during the pandemic. Sometimes school would be closed, some had hybrid schedules, and some were in attendance full time. Varying schedules became confusing for all involved but as Frank says, “ we successfully muddled our way through the school year.” 

Many regular drivers were not available as drivers. Semi-retired drivers were apprehensive about their own health and reluctant to drive. Young mothers who were drivers often had to stay home with their own children. When necessary, administration, office staff, and other substitutes filled in as necessary as drivers.

Frank did have a sister who was hit hard by covid. He was able to stay healthy during the pandemic. In order to keep in contact with customers, social media was used. At one point he and his team made a video for kindergarteners who were going to experience their first time on a bus.This video was very helpful to families and had thousands of views.

Frank is very proud of the bus drivers who faced incredible stress during the last year. He feels many of his drivers care very much for the kids they work with and this helps all involved. 


183: Meghan Maclean


185: Renee Jones