183: Meghan Maclean



Dr. Meghan Maclean is a Palliative Care physician who treats those patients who are most ill. Palliative care is a specialized care that focuses on providing patients with relief from pain and complications that arise from serious illness. Palliative care also supports the journey of family members as they walk loved ones through what is a very difficult time of life. 

Covid-19 increased the number of seriously ill patients she treated. She and her team help patients be as empowered as possible with their treatment. The unpredictability of Covid-19 and how it affected so many lives without warning was especially challenging. 

During Covid-19, chronically ill patients weren’t able to  have visitors and the isolation increased their distress. Because support was limited, this has an adverse effect on patients. The medical staff was as supportive as possible and worked as a team especially during the stress of the pandemic.

Dr. Maclean saw the devastation of covid, particularly when people died suddenly of the illness. In the midst of the grief, doctors, nurses and caregivers did their best to support and care for patients. She notes that each patient she treats has an impact on her as a doctor and she carries bits and pieces of each person’s story into the future. No patient is ever forgotten. 

The pandemic has reminded Dr. Maclean how fragile life is. Her wish for the future is that we try to understand and support one another and not be judgmental of one another and take the best care of one another. 

The work of palliative care is very profound and courageous. We are very grateful for the efforts of all palliative teams who provide support and improve the quality of life during final days. Dr. Maclean is very moved that she is representing so many other health care workers who have worked on the front lines of the illness. Maclean is very moved that she is representing so many other health care workers who have worked on the front lines of the illness.


182: Herbert Carter Jr.


184: Frank Moyer