182: Herbert Carter Jr.


Herbert has an exceptionally positive attitude, even though he and his wife both had COVID. She was hospitalized for 16 days and continues to this day to be on oxygen. He says, ‘Her spirits are good.”

Herbert has worked for BARTA for 15 years. He drives a BARTA bus designed specifically for the disabled and elderly and he continued to do this work five days a week throughout the shutdown. This didn’t allow for social distancing. He thinks it may be through his job that he contracted the virus. But still says, “Everyday is a blessing. Our clients love us and appreciate us.”

He genuinely seems to love what he does. As he put it, “Things didn’t change for me that much (during the pandemic) because I was still helping people.” That what is important to him. Sometimes his job connects him with people he hasn’t seen in 40 years. He may recognize a face, ask for a name and say to them, “I used to to know your grandfather.”

Moving forward he hopes, “that everybody lives more closely together, opens their eyes to realize this isn’t a joke.” That people get the vaccine and realize if they don’t the are putting other peoples lives in danger.

He was truly appreciative of being recognized.


181: Kat Royer


183: Meghan Maclean