181: Kat Royer


Kat Royer serves as VP of Programming for Olivet Boys and Girls Club. Kat was pregnant and had a baby during the pandemic so Covid-19 created additional stress during a vulnerable time.

During the shut down, Kat had to go to Ob Gyn appointments alone. Fortunately, by the time the baby was born, her husband was able to be involved and was allowed to be with her. In addition to their new baby, they have three girls, one who is school age. When school and work shut down, balancing all of the family’s needs was quite a challenge.

At Olivet, the first priority was meal distribution. She knew she was doing something very positive for the community and this was a motivation at work. Kids and their families view Olivet as a second family. She recognized the importance of her work and the work of her team.

During work, her own kids would “zoom bomb” meetings. This often lightened the mood and was enjoyable. She is very grateful both she and her husband had their jobs and had one another for support through the pandemic. Having additional time at home as a family was especially important to her.

Her wish for the future is that we all are more gracious and caring with one another.


180: Maria Harvey


182: Herbert Carter Jr.