185: Renee Jones

School Safety Officer


Renee thinks of her position as “A guardian of the castle.” She is there not only to protect and keep safe but to inspire and help grow. Her husband is a Pastor. Together and individually they are very inspirational.

Her official duties include: keeping the school grounds (inside and out) safe for the teachers and students. Keeping those in that are suppose to be in and those out that are suppose to be out. Running active shooter drills and dealing with parents as well as children.

The school she is posted to accommodates 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders. One of the toughest things for her during this time was not seeing the kids (since they were learning virtually.) When they were there some of them called her, “the grand mom of the school.” She missed that closeness. But she was there and ready when they came back. At first in a hybrid learning environment and this coming fall when she hopes it will be full time.

Personally, she battled a bad case of COVID, but has recovered. Her mother had it as well and was hospitalized for 6 months. The changes sees in herself now are, “Awareness of the actions and attitudes of others.” “Always try to help others, especially the young.” She wants to always encourage growth in young people and to have them, “Not give up. I pray for that.”


184: Frank Moyer


186: Chris Winters