162: Jessica Pinasavage

School Nurse


Jessica had been an ER Nurse for 14 years when she decided to become certified as a School Nurse. She was in the ER until April of 2020. Then she started as the Wyomissing School District nurse in August, where her children attend school. They were virtual and so was she. This helped her be home to care for them. By April 2021 she took her current position at Exeter.

Not being a school nurse prior to the pandemic, she had no point of reference for how different the position was. She was put right into the middle of caring for the children and assisting their parents virtually, then in a hybrid situation. Assessing illnesses and injuries, her main advice to the parents was, “Contact your primary physician.” Most were understanding that a seemingly innocent cough or runny nose needed extra caution. But some were not as understanding or sensitive to the COVID situation and still wanted their kids in the classroom. That was difficult. 

Jessica, her husband, and the kids all missed their grandparents, who prior to COVID had been the primary babysitters. But being in their 80’s the risk was too great to have them all together. Now that they are all vaccinated, she sees, “a light at the end of the tunnel.” Family is beginning to gather again, safely.

She says her, “Community has been great. They rallied around each other.” They say half-jokingly, “We wouldn’t be this close had it not been for COVID.” A pre-pandemic sense of normalcy is what she is hoping for.


161: Timothy Becker


163: Joanne Rolon-Santiago