163: Joanne Rolon-Santiago

Contact Tracing Supervisor


Joanne Roland-Santiago has many responsibilities at Co-County Wellness Services. During Covid-19, she had the responsibility of contact tracing. Using system based data provided by the Department of Health, she and her team would reach out to those who have tested positive for Covid-19, check on their wellness, answer any questions they had, do an assessment and would provide any needed support through quarantine. She would then report all data back to the Department of Health Services. 

Typically as Outreach coordinator, Joanne and her staff would reach out to HIV positive patients, checking on their wellness. The team would help consumers return to health care based on their needs 

Another duty of Joanne’s was to train new contact tracers. She often supported consumers as they faced the challenge of dealing with fear and worry during the pandemic. Joanne described having contact with a client, a single mother who did not have services and needed them. When Joanne heard the food insecurity the mom was describing, she delivered food from the food pantry to the woman’s home and helped her get more services. It is clear that when Joanne and her staff see a person in need, they respond with whatever help they can give. 

She is very concerned about people who minimize the impact of covid and deny how dangerous it is. In her opinion, Joanne feels that we will never be the same and is hopeful we have learned a lot during the last year and a half and can apply these to trials we face in the future.


162: Jessica Pinasavage


164: Barbara Waller