161: Timothy Becker



Timothy Becker is a professional photographer who freelances and photographs products, events, and weddings. Because of the shutdown, Tim had no work for 5 months. He is relieved that work is returning now that restrictions are lifted. He has several friends who have had covid. 

When Tim had no jobs, he decided to learn to sew and to make masks. Using YouTube, Timothy learned to make patterns, cut fabric, and sew masks. He then distributed them in the Philadelphia area. He would work for 8 hours a day creating masks. The masks were done so well that many people wanted them. He supplied the Phillies and Fliers and their entourages with masks. His photo studio was turned into a mask-making studio and he marketed them through social media. 

Tim feels discouraged by people who see mask-wearing as oppressive when it is so helpful and so protective. He very much enjoyed meeting people for whom he made masks and saw how grateful and excited they were to have the masks, especially for their children. 

He is looking forward to “every day,” ordinary experiences like going to restaurants and attending events. His wish is that all people will protect one another’s health and remain caring and vigilant.

In addition to his regular workload, Tim took all the beautiful portrait shots of all 200 essential workers who participated in “Touch Is Essential.”


160: Sue Doerrman


162: Jessica Pinasavage