156: Stacy Taylor

Community Volunteer, NAACP


Stacey Taylor is a Community Volunteer and the President of Reading’s NAACP. One of the biggest challenges she faced during the pandemic was keeping the members of NAACP together. This was especially difficult for older members who were not computer savvy and could not use Zoom. Stacey worked hard to create access for all via telephone as well as Zoom platforms. 

Stacey is very worried about the lasting mental health effects that the pandemic will have on people. The isolation so many people experienced and the struggles of adhering to the constantly changing guidelines were so difficult for so many. Stacey’s wish for the future is that, as life moves back into some realm of normalcy, we can recognize the lessons learned from the shutdown and continue to cherish spending more time with family and not succumb to the busyness of pre-pandemic life.


155: Adrienne Miller


157: Lynn Dylan