157: Lynn Dylan

Cashier, Redners


Previous to the pandemic, Lynn would work 30 hours a week running the cash register and help people out with the purchases. Once the shutdown hit, she continued to work the same amount of time but things were different. The once 24 hour a day store was now only open 6am - 9pm. Prior to the doors opening there were long lines of people waiting to get in. So much more cleaning and sanitizing had to be done. Plastic shields were put in place between cashiers and customers.

Lynn said, “People were frightened, they would yell at us for not having things in stock. People were sanitizing everything, even their money. Some were mean and wanted to force ahead in line.” But her attitude was, “No, whoever is first comes first. No matter how long the line.” She took time to pay attention to each one of them. She missed seeing her regulars as much as she used to. The employees were even given a permission slip to show the police if stopped while driving. It showed that they were essential and had to get to work.

During this time, Lynn’s son contracted COVID as well as her pregnant daughter. She helped care for them. Then she contracted COVID and was hospitalized and put on oxygen for 2-3 weeks. Even then she thought about her job and said, “We do what we do. This is my job. I need to get back and help people.” Which she did.

Her daughter and grandchild are fine. “I hope we don’t have to go through it again.”


156: Stacy Taylor


158: Dr. Kartik Shah