155: Adrienne Miller

Physician’s Assistant


Adrienne Miller is a Physician’s Assistant who works in the Pediatric Emergency Room and at an urgent care Covid testing center. She tested hundreds of patients for Covid during the pandemic, all of whom were very anxious and often very sick. Adrienne was very frightened at the start of the pandemic. Right before she saw her first Covid patient, she had to step aside and cry because she was just so afraid that she might get sick and infect her four children. Her emotions evolved as medical knowledge of the virus  improved and as she began to feel more protected with appropriate PPE. Instead of fear, Adrienne felt very helpful and like she was doing important work for her patients and her community.  

Adrienne was surprised to note that many people did not take the threat of Covid seriously until they knew someone who died of the disease. She was distraught at how politized the disease had become, and people’s lack of willingness to simply put on a mask for the safety of everyone around them. Adrienne thinks that masks have now become a long term tool for health care workers, especially in the Emergency room, to protect providers as well as their patients. The pandemic has had many lasting effects on Adrienne, but most noticeably, she feels that struggling through this difficult time together with all of her patients has helped her to become a more empathetic provider.


154: Roy Snyder


156: Stacy Taylor