149: Eric Debronsky

Distribution Designer, Electrical Company


Eric Debronsky works as a Distribution Designer for the electrical company, where his role is to be the first responder to assess any problems with an electrical line or for new construction.  Despite the many changes in the world during the pandemic, Eric’s job stayed mostly the same, as the need for electricity is constant and critical. The pandemic did create some loneliness for Eric at work, as the electric company tried to keep staff separate to avoid infection. He felt bad for people who joined the company during the pandemic, as understanding their coworkers’ jobs is key to doing theirs. He felt that this probably created a lot of stress for the new workers. 

Unfortunately, Eric’s mother contracted Covid, as did about 75 of his co-workers.  He felt that people demonstrated care for each other, by wearing their mask, as we are all in this together. One of the funny moments of the pandemic that will stick with Eric are the times where he would arrive somewhere and realize he had forgotten his mask. By the time he drove home to fetch one, he often would decide he didn’t really need to go where he had been heading afterall. Looking forward, Eric very much wishes that people could remain diligent to keep everyone around them healthy.   


148: Heather Brady


150: Oscar Roman Baque