148: Heather Brady

Food Distribution, Do-It-Local Berks


Heather’s business, Do-It-Local-Berks, has been known for promoting businesses in the area for years. As she puts it, “Connecting businesses with our fabulous communities.” Primarily they would collaborate with a business in ways to draw people into the actual building. Couponing, promotions and things like that were frequently used.

Upon the shutdown they had to do a complete 180. Now they had to get the businesses (mainly restaurants) to the people. Utilizing Facebook and local social media groups, she set up curbside pickups all around the county. Working with individuals in neighborhoods and schools she would plan and promote a time and place that a delivery truck from a restaurant would be available. The idea was to place your dinner order on-line ahead of time. Then they would just show up (in your neighborhood) and pick up the food. This was also done at school sporting practices, PTO’s and Day Cares. Parents could pick up the kids and dinner at the same time.

Not only did this help out parents and families with dinners, but it kept restaurants in business. 

She loved the way her own neighborhood pulled together, especially to help and support the kids. Organizing safe, simple, kids’ games like Teddy Bear in the Window, participating families would put bears in the windows. The kids would walk safely with their parents, have to find them and count them. As she put it, “They found ways to let the kids’ personalities shine.”

Heather now fully embraces the term, “We are all doing the best we can.” And she hopes the neighbors stay in touch with each other and remain close.


147: Patrick Polito


149: Eric Debronsky