96: Carolann Stevenson

Pharmacy Technician


As a Pharmacy Tech, Carolann fills prescriptions, does computer entry, speaks to docs and patients by phone, runs the register, her tasks are many. She worked straight through the pandemic and shutdown. In fact, her hours increased. Working under the tensions and pressure we all felt, she and her colleagues had to express even more focus. They had to be extra sure that scripts were filled correctly and no one had a lapse in their much-needed meds. Her “high risk kids” were of special concern to her. She and the staff would do all they could to assist in getting them in and out and home safely with all their needs met.

When the vaccine became available, they were distributing that as well. This came with its own set of precise criteria that had to be managed. Remember, Carolann is working in a Pharmacy in a grocery store. The store was busier than ever. Mainly because all the restaurants were shutdown. So, often she had to fill in at the various food departments as well, running registers, stocking, whatever was asked.

Normally a “get away” break was taken by her and her husband every three months. But during this time and under all this additional pressure it took about a year before she got a break. She finally did just prior to this interview.

She hopes we all get vaccinated, get this under control, and can have a somewhat normal life again.


95: Lauren Degezelle


97: Greg Young