68: Jean Ester

Maintenance, Reading Water Authority


Keeping the equipment in working order, making service calls, fixing leaks and water main breaks are among the common things Jean and the Maintenance Crew would face in a normal day’s work. During the pandemic they took on some additional different responsibilities. For at least six months, RAWA set up give away sites to those who needed water. Water was distributed in parks, on street corners, parking lots, wherever it need to be. Bottles and jugs of water were provided for free.

Work never stopped for RAWA, so financial issues were not a concern for Jean. The struggle was nervousness, as co-workers began getting sick with the virus. He himself had it, but his symptoms were mild. Fortunately, all of his co-workers recovered as well.

“Helping the people of our communities”, Jean says, ”gave me a very human experience. People responded in such a thankful and appreciative manner.“

The pandemic he says, “made a 100% change” in him. He has a renewed appreciation for his family. They pulled together and connected through it all.

He hopes we all live in the moment, but not with fear. He hopes that we find a way to work better with each other, to compromise, understand each other, and achieve common goals. 

Being an artist as well, he would like to see art and creativity be used as a way of expression and connection.


67: Tony Reynolds


69: Bill Murray