48: Carrie Brown

Store Manager, Ace Hardware


Carrie Brown has worked for Ace Hardware for 25 years, 17 of which she has spent at the same store location. She recently became a store manager, and the role is still rather new for her. She has to work very hard to protect her team’s energy, take care of the customers, and to make sure the store is running smoothly every day. The pandemic has not changed the day-to-day elements of her job very much, but she must be much more aware of everything around her. Constantly remaining vigilant of social distancing and following all of the new safety protocols, such as bleaching every surface in the store every few minutes, has been really emotionally draining for Carrie. Since the pandemic started, her team always makes sure to check in with each other even more. If someone is really struggling, they will give them the day off to recover and recharge.

Carrie works about 45 hours a week during the usual spring busy season, however, during the shutdown the store was unusually packed because any people had decided to undertake home renovations since they were spending more time in their houses. For the most part, Carrie says, customers were respectful and understanding of the new safety measures, but there were some that did not want to wear masks. It always lifts her spirits though when customers appreciate everything that they do in the store to keep them and their loved ones safe. Carrie thinks often of one customer who could not leave the house because of her very at-risk husband. They did a delivery for that customer, and she was so grateful that she cried.  

Carrie loves her job and is dedicated to protecting the wellbeing of her team. She is very appreciative too of the owners, who have been working hard to protect all their employees by following safety precautions and prioritizing their emotional and physical wellness. In general, the pandemic has made Carrie more open to understanding that everyone has a different outlook and that everyone’s daily life looks different. In the future, she just hopes that the store will continue to be successful and to be a place where people feel safe.


47: Amanda Ash


49: Lori Lapish-Heins