47: Amanda Ash

Teacher, Elywn opportunity School


Amanda’s father, who is a firefighter, contracted COVID, as well as her mother, sister, uncle and many other family members. Her grandmother and a close friend both died from the virus.

Even though Amanda’s daughter has asthma (which puts her at high risk if she gets the virus), she continued to work and give of herself. Her daughter was tested six times … all negative.

Amanda has been a teacher at Elwyn for 14 years and has taught all subjects. The special needs children she and her co-workers care for were provided with IPads, which the teachers hand delivered. The kids were instructed how to use them and attend virtual class. She made herself available to the children’s parents 24 hours a day. These emotionally and behavioral challenged children needed extra care.

Additionally, she distributed food to the families of her students, if they needed financial household support. The gratefulness of the parents and strength and resilience of her students was encouraging and inspired her to go on.

She longs for the normalcy of past days and suggests we don’t take life for granted.


46: Monique Ortega


48: Carrie Brown