20: Danielle Giorgio

Dental Assistant


Danielle Giorgio has been a dental assistant for 6 years. Her work schedule varies a lot, averaging 40 hours a week, but sometimes less. The pandemic proved very difficult for her place of business. They had to shut down for two months at the beginning of the pandemic and struggled greatly to acquire appropriate PPE. Thankfully, though, the owners were very invested in the safety of their employees and clientele and did everything possible to exercise proper precautions. Her employers would frequently check up on her during the time when they were closed to make sure she was doing alright, and when everyone got back to the office, they did their best to make everyone comfortable in the new context. The transition was a bit difficult for their patients, since protocol changed a lot, but on the whole Danielle thinks that she and her coworkers have been adapting well.

Danielle lives with her husband who is an electrical mechanical engineer. He used to be employed by a company that did work for venues and cruise ships for various events. Unfortunately, since there were no events happening during the pandemic, there was no work to be had for the company and Danielle’s husband and all his coworkers had to find new jobs.  He worked several odd jobs until he was able to find new employment.  Being secluded in their home for two months was very difficult for Danielle. It was scary not being able to see their family, especially when her father-in-law contracted COVID, a mild case from which he fortunately recovered. One silver lining that Danielle is grateful for though is that the pandemic seems to have caused many people to be more careful about protecting their health. It is easy to lose track of things in everyday life, the pandemic gave people a moment to sit back and realize how important it is to take care of themselves. She hopes that a lesson people take away from this frightening time is to come together and support each other a bit more. We are all in it together and we don’t need to judge one another, only understand and support. 


19: Annie Lamb


21: Megan Papich