19: Annie Lamb

Dentist, Grove Dental Group & Orthodontics


Covid had a strong impact on dental care in Berks county. Dr. Annie Lamb, a dentist working with Grove Dental Group, explained that initially in the covid shutdown they were regulated to only do emergency procedures.  They increased contact with patients online and had to learn that their role changed from day to day depending on regulations. Grove Dental utilized PPE such as masks, shields, gloves, and sanitation regimes. Social media became critical in communication with clients.

Now that they are back to a more normalized schedule, she is noting that dental problems in clients were exacerbated. Routine dental care that was delayed had a negative effect. They are helping patients catch up on care they may have had to miss. 

On a personal level, Annie was very concerned about family members who worked in ICU. Her own personal physical emergency and subsequent surgery gave her a view from the inside of a hospital seeing the effects of the disease. She described how grateful she was to receive medical care during a time in which hospitals were crowded and stressed. 

Going forward, she hopes “ to live life as fully as possible.”


18: Edwin Casiao


20: Danielle Giorgio