2: Christopher Kaunert

President, Sanitation Solutions Plus


Even though we may not have been aware of it, there are some essential workers whose efforts sustained us all. Christopher Kaunert, president of Sanitation Solutions Plus is one such worker.

On a daily basis, his company provides sanitation services for a variety of food preparation companies such as chicken processors, bakeries, and turkey processors in PA, NJ, NY, and VA.  If facilities are not cleaned properly, we are all at risk and this became especially important during the pandemic. His company provides the use of high pressure chemical cleaning and sanitizing, so that the food supply chain could continue in a safe way.

Christopher explained that his work load increased exponentially during covid; he worked between 60-80 hours a week during covid. To encourage and support his workers, he increased employees’ pay during the pandemic. He also explained that   “ he would not ask an employee to go anywhere he would not go.” 

If people became ill and had to miss work, he paid his staff.  He knew approximately 50 people who contracted the virus. Christopher says the last year has changed him and given him perspective on what is important in life. His greatest wish for the future is to return to normal.


1: Dr. Donna Kulp


3: Andrew Kaunert