1: Dr. Donna Kulp

Chiropractor, Kulp Chiropractic


Dr. Donna Kulp and her staff continued to work and serve their clients during the covid shut down. She followed strict covid protocols to keep her office as safe as possible which included mask wearing, disinfecting rooms, removing unnecessary objects, providing good ventilation, and more. She describes the process her staff follows as diligent and consistent. 

Not only was she seeing people come in for relief from physical pain, she was also seeing people coming in with high levels of stress, fear, isolation, and loss. She described the care she provided as intentional and individual. Dr Kulp explained how grateful people were for her work as well as the work of her staff. 

On a personal level, Donna was directly affected by covid. Sadly, she lost two family members from covid. 

Her hope for the future is that we work hard as a society to learn more about preventative medicine, including exercise and nutrition, to boost our immunity and to keep ourselves as healthy as we possibly can.


2: Christopher Kaunert