177: Shelly Dolley

Children’s Literacy


Shelly’s role has been to visit schools and improve the reading abilities of the children. With the on-set of the pandemic visits were not allowed. Her role changed to teaching and supporting teachers how to teach virtually as well as teaching the children virtually, all to help offset an impact it could have on the child’s growth.

As COVID hit, her parents, ages 78 and 86, moved in with them so she could help care for them better. Additionally, having two teenagers in the house her days became filled with, “job during the day and homework support at night.”

“COVID has made everything more difficult. I am very family oriented. My family is very tight.” They would have family gatherings many times throughout each year. Not being able to do this was difficult for her and all of them. “It’s what I miss the most,” she told us.

“The resiliency of people: schools, masks, teachers, all have been great” She said, “The kids are amazing.” Then added with a chuckle, “The adults are doing the best we can.” She hopes people can continue to come together.


176: Lauren Butler-Jeter


178: Alec Reinert