176: Lauren Butler-Jeter

Bus Operator


Lauren Butler-Jeter is a bus operator for Barta bus. On a day to day basis, her goal is customer service. Covid-19 made her even more aware of caring for others. She saw that all people were carrying fear and her communication with customers was critical to help them through those fears.

Since a bus is a closed environment, she had to follow protocols very carefully. 

There were no layoffs at Barta during the pandemic. Buses continued to run and were often accessed by those who needed groceries and had doctor appointments with no other way to travel. Reassuring customers and explaining that wearing a mask protects not only the wearer but also the people surrounding the wearer was very important. 

Lauren tried her best to remain positive and encouraging. She and her adult children spent a lot of time together during the pandemic and her adult children were very supportive. Each day she removed her work clothes and shoes and washed them carefully to protect her family.

Fewer people used the bus system during the shut down but her “regulars” eventually returned to using the bus service and she felt relieved. She felt much appreciation from her clientele. Lauren felt the pandemic was a reset and taught us to remember to care for one another.


175: Tyler Moore


177: Shelly Dolley