172: Sergeant Mel

Police Officer


Melville’s attitude was remarkably up beat. Even though he and his entire family had COVID, he saw many other officers at work with it and almost lost a close friend to it.

He is the Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police. He told us his duties of data handling, paperwork, policy and crime statistic meetings didn’t change much. But how he did his job is what changed. There were added responsibilities of tremendous cleaning and sanitizing. All the cars and equipment had to be decontaminated after every shift. Plus, there was the responsibility of procuring the cleaning supplies and proper gear for the officers. This was done to keep them and the public safe.

Melville was pleased to see many businesses and individuals donating supplies to the department. He still sees life the same way. He says being a police officer his attitude is, “Life can be taken at any time. This is another reality of, you only have today.”

Moving forward he hopes that, “People be more understanding of everyone’s rights. There are always two sides to every coin.”


171: Amy Kennedy


173: Linda Kelleher