171: Amy Kennedy

College Professor


In addition to teaching education classes at Kutztown university, Amy Kennedy is a mother of 4. Both she and her husband worked through the shut down while managing family life.

Amy taught 4 classes as well as supervising and observing student teachers. She also completed field observations which were done in various elementary schools. Additionally, Amy is on the Wilson school board. She was an integral part of helping kids in her district get back into the classroom safely. 

Supporting her four children and their educational paths was challenging. 

The pandemic has taught her a lot. She doesn't feel like she or anyone else has to be perfect. Her gratitude for very simple things increased greatly. 

To get through the pandemic, daily check-ins with professor friends helped. FaceTime and zoom helped. She recalls one day where gym teachers were leading a “sock game” with children and their families at home. Innovative activities helped everyone stay engaged.

Her hope is that in the future people are less partisan and are more humanitarian. She emphasized that we need to remember what we can do when we work together.


170: Marta Mulligan


172: Sergeant Mel