140: Shelly Stoffer



Shelly Stoffer is an accountant who worked during the pandemic both at home and then later in the office twice per week handling cash receipts. The transition to working from home was relatively easy as she works for an IT company, and they were prepared. Her responsibility was increased at work, but she embraced what needed to be done to keep workers employed. Shelly feels business has now changed to a new normal, as many people have enjoyed working from home and it has become a money saver not having to commute.

Shelly feels very fortunate that she and her family did not contract Covid, as they were meticulous at following the infection prevention guidelines. However, seeing how some people acted in regards to those guidelines and in other respects during the pandemic only reinforced Shelly’s opinion that our society is made up of very selfish people. Her wish for the future is that this experience might cause people to embrace diversity and look beyond themselves.


139: Jim Cox


141: Lucy Cortez