139: Jim Cox

CFO, Weidenhammer Systems Corporation


Weidenhammer is a company that assists its clients with the implementation of their Information Technology systems (computer systems)….and we all know how important technology suddenly became to us all: teaching, communicating, running a business, the uses were many and varied. This is a company that handles clients across the country. Companies that rely on their support. Shutting down was not an option.

Jim’s position is to oversee the financial solvency of this IT company, track and manage the complete finances and daily operations of receipts, money in and out, all financial ongoings within the company.

When the pandemic hit, “We all scrambled to work virtually. We had worked remotely before. But never on a mass scale like this.” All aspects of the company:  Human Resources, IT, Accounting, Sales, etc. all set up and kept working. “Technology is what allowed us to do this”, he said.

Even though they continued to be there for their clients, Jim says, “I love being around people, I miss it. I miss the face-to-face interaction.” He now appreciates even more the pre-pandemic human interaction that we had. He added, “Hopefully sooner rather than later,” we’ll be back there.


138: Thomas Birch


140: Shelly Stoffer