128: Deb Aron

First Grade Teacher


Debra teaches first grade. As of March 2020, in school classes were stopped. Previously, never having to use virtual teaching tools, she learned the programs required to continue teaching from home and did just that. In fact, all five people in the house continued working. As careful as they were, the virus did find its way into the home and all five of them contracted COVID.

Fortunately, no one had underlying conditions and none were hospitalized. But knowing someone who died from it made this time very scary.

Debra had all the symptoms of COVID during the time of her parent/teacher conferences. She so badly didn’t want to miss out on these, so she struggled through it and didn’t miss a meeting. She says it was a very hard and scary time.

Debra says, “I am so proud of my kids. Their test scores were very good.” And she added, “They are so cute….it was so cool that they learned to present their work on screen.”

A point she made was teaching virtually gave her insight into the kids’ home life. “It was the first time to see how the kids actually lived. That was interesting.”

She says, “This time has made me better on the computer.” She sees people being more understanding of each other. And realizes how nice it is to see people in person. She hopes everyone gets vaccinated. Not only for themselves, but also especially to protect the elderly and those at risk.


127: Tom Christman


129: Diane Ross