127: Tom Christman

Driver, Highlands of Wyomissing


The normal tasks for Tom, as a driver at this retirement community, kept him busy two or three days a week. He would assist the residents by taking them too and from doctor visits and appointments of all kinds.

Once the shutdown was in effect that changed in a very unusual way. You see, at this retirement community the residents were not permitted to leave the grounds for their own safety. On those grounds there are many buildings and cottages where people reside. Tom found himself driving everyday, but almost never leaving the grounds. What he was doing was delivering meals, food and supplies, to everyone living there. This made him (socially distanced as it was) one of the only connections they had to anyone outside their community. He was very happy to be doing his part to help.

He says the residence were very appreciative of his help. He received many thanks and well wishes.

He told us he was very concerned about getting the virus and potentially spreading it to anyone he knew as well. He did not get it, but he knows people who did. He says he saw too many people pass away from this virus.

He is looking forward to the day when we no longer need masks and can greet each other closely. He misses that personal human contact.


126: Justin Arguelles


128: Deb Aron