111: Jen Pleam


Jennifer Pleam is a third grade teacher at Mifflin Park Elementary School, and she is very grateful to be fully vaccinated. Work was very challenging for her during the pandemic because she was teaching school virtually and also had her 5th grade daughter at home attending online school. In an effort to continue to bond with her students and make virtual school fun, Jennifer thought outside the box by doing things like recording herself reading books for her students and doing Zoom scavenger hunts with her class. She was very touched by the outpouring of support from the parents of her students.

Jennifer found the social isolation and not being physically present with her students, family, and friends to be very emotionally difficult. Her attitude has changed a lot due to the pandemic, and she tries to be more present in the moment now, appreciating what she has, especially her loved ones. Jennifer’s greatest wish is that people will be more empathic with each other and understand that we never know what someone else is going through.


110: Mike Moyer


112: Amy Diggin