110: Mike Moyer


Mike Moyer works as a shop foreman at Tom Masano car dealership, where he worked about 50 hours a week during the shutdown. As the foreman, he organizes work for the staff, prepares estimates, and does service for the dealership. Unfortunately, due to drastically decreased business during the pandemic, Mike had to lay off many of his employees. However, he also spent some of his time working on firetrucks, ambulances, and the vehicles of essential workers.

Mike estimates he knew about 20 people that got covid, and he was extremely worried that he might bring the virus home to his wife. It was also very stressful for him that, in order to keep his mother safe, he could not visit her. Since he was working and more likely to come into contact with the virus, it was just too risky. Due to his job, Mike was not even permitted to leave the state, so his family could not go to their summer home in Virginia.

Through all the trials of the pandemic, Mike feels that he learned to “ take things one day at a time” and really appreciate every moment in life. His greatest wish is that we could see the pandemic gone for good.vvvv


109: Brad Reifsnyder


111: Jen Pleam