8: Wilfredo Diaz

Crematory Operator, Kuhn Funeral Home


Due to the nature of his work, Wilfredo Diaz Jr estimates that he encountered at least 300 people who had covid. He describes the effect of this as very intense. 

Work hours had to be extended because of the increase in death in Berks county. No longer was there a clear 9 to 5 day. Instead, the staff worked to meet the needs of the community as best as they could and that often meant very long work days. He has worked with the funeral home 11 years but felt significantly affected by this year because of the pandemic 

Even though families were going through a deep loss, he often felt families were grateful for his work. He witnessed family members lifting one another up to sustain what was a very difficult time. He  often felt compassion for those who lost their lives to the disease, especially those who were young. He was especially moved by a 29 year old who died of covid. He explained that it is very different when a death is unexpected. 

The pandemic has reinforced that he needs to be mindful of his own health habits and his family’s health habits. His wish for the future is that people be kind to one another. He is very appreciative that essential workers are being affirmed by this  project.


7: Jeff Laubach


9: Mary Frebel