75: Michael Sninsky

Reading Fire Department


The Department of Fire and Rescue Services of Reading serves over 30,000 occupied dwellings in an area of 10 square miles. Michael Sninsky, Deputy Chief of EMS for the city of Reading Fire department has many responsibilities in this organization. He has served as a firefighter/ paramedic since 2006. In his present position as Deputy Chief of emergency services, he is in charge of all ambulance services for the city of Reading. 

Initially, he explains that there was a lot of confusion concerning appropriate covid protocols. In addition to the stress of dealing with fires and emergency care, there was additional stress in not knowing how to be judicious in giving care.

 In his work as a paramedic first responder, he was frequently exposed to the disease. Eventually, once protocols were in place with the use of N95s and respirators, there was a sense of relief. He and his staff worked hard to do the best they could to help patients. 

Although he is very grateful for eventually getting PPE and proper equipment, he notes that supply is still limited. Michael feels very fortunate that he did not contract covid. Several deaths due to covid of other team members have hit him and his team hard. Considering all the exposure he has had, Michael feels he is very lucky to have remained healthy through the pandemic.


74: Jason Aduddell


76: Nathan Moyer