58: Steve Musselman

Physical Therapist


In his role as a physical therapist, Steve visited patients’ homes to help patients build up strength and increase flexibility. Over the course of the pandemic, he and other staff members took all precautions necessary including masks, shields, and gloves. Over the course of his work, he encountered at least 25 people with covid.

The greatest difficulty for him was the concern he had for contracting or spreading the disease to other patients or to his family even with all precautions. He did work with patients who were rehabilitating after covid. He often became emotional support for patients. He tried to be a calm and peaceful presence encouraging others to heal. 

Since the pandemic, he feels he will never take life for granted again because of the fragility and vulnerability we all experienced. His greatest hope is that we heal from the losses we have experienced because of covid and that all over the world, we can heal. 

In addition to being a PT, Steve is also a pastor. He notes that though his two professions are separate, healing includes listening and being present for others. It is clear that Steve provides that presence for others through both capacities.


57: Sue Heisey


59: Samantha Smith