56: Debra Antol

Human Resources, Sweet Street Dessert


As the VP of Human Resources at Sweet Street Desserts, Debra Antol’s responsibilities include hiring, training, recruiting, managing benefits, health and benefits, and other administrative functions. During the pandemic, the company found that the orders of products lessened during the shut down due to the stay at home orders and the closing of many eateries. Sweet Street had never laid off an employee in its 40 year history until the pandemic. 

When orders increased again, the company complied with all recommendations of the CDC. Her goal was to keep her staff as healthy and as informed as possible.

On a personal level, she missed having face to face contact with her 83 year old mother during the pandemic.

She was very inspired by the teamwork she witnessed at work and the collaboration between workers. She saw an incredible amount of resiliency in the staff.

Her greatest hope is that her grandchildren face no pandemics and have peace and prosperity.


55: Alyssa Moore


57: Sue Heisey