44: Casey Allen

WIOV-FM Morning Co-Host


Casey, her husband, and daughter lived together through this time. Her daughter was furloughed for a time. She then began work at vaccinations sites. Casey never stopped broadcasting. By the end of March, a studio was set up in her basement, where she broadcast from for an entire year. Not being able to see her co-host while holding conversations, delivering the news, entertainment, music and on-air callers was a challenge.

She had an uncle who died from COVID, one of the first nursing home deaths.

Her daughter-in-law gave birth to their grandchild during this time. Casey and her husband could not hold or touch him for nearly 9 months, until cases were diminishing and they were both vaccinated. 

Casey’s (on air) positive slant on the events of the day were encouraging to her listeners. She even had a segment called “Good News”, where she would highlight Covid related stories that were positive: people helping people, business related, animal lover stories, etc. All in an attempt to uplift the spirit of the listeners. Yes, she presented the seriousness of the situation. 

But, she was never pulled down by it. She continued to use her platform to help lift others up.

She thinks she may forever be more cautious of hygiene and health concerns and wishes more people would get the vaccine and hopes that its protection lasts for a very long time.


43: Tanya Melendez


45: Leah Quay