196: Noreen Krymski

Managing Director, Columbia Cottage Assisted Living Community

In this 41 apartment, 50 bed community Noreen oversees finances, marketing, sales, contracts, sign-ins, state regulatory guidelines, and all the employees in each department. 

Due to the extraordinary safety measures they took, not a single resident tested positive for COVID. There was a constant sense of awareness of the situation. Continuous disinfecting. All communal meals and activities were stopped. And perhaps toughest of all, the 24 hour visiting accessibility to residents was ended. That in turn created the obstacle of dealing with mental health issues. The separation from family was very difficult. “Hugs and touch, that’s what we do. It’s about compassion. That’s what we do in this industry.” 

Noreen knew what that was like personally, because during this time her father was battling cancer. She did not see him for the entire year. They united briefly at Christmas.

Now with 100% of the residents and 75% of the staff vaccinated, restrictions have eased up a bit. But when first opening, everyone who came in the building was tested, visitors upon arrival and staff once a week. Some visitors took exception to this and said Noreen was going to extremes. “Absolutely I am.” She said. “I’m here to keep your loved ones and our staff safe, that’s what I’m doing.” 

Now the residents are once again getting together, holding functions for fun, like the recent “Prom Night.” All of them dressed to the hilt, they even had a 91 year old prom queen and king. Seeing the love on the faces and joyful tears of families reuniting makes it all worth it for Noreen.

She spoke so highly of the staff saying, “They are all wonderful and amazing. The people I have worked with for the past 16 months are no longer employees. They are friends and family.”

She hopes in the future, “That people’s compassion grows exponentially as hers has. And that we take the ugliness of the past year and grow to be more human toward each other.


195: Meredith Brown


197: Melissa Gross