187: John Furdyna

Program Manager, Berks County TV


John Furdyna, Program Manager for BCTV, explained that during the pandemic BCTV became an important conduit of information for the public. He and his team pivoted from producing television programs to getting information out to the public through the website and television programs. 

John noted that 100+ producers were very helpful in adapting what they did to be able to reach the community. They used zoom to produce programs, making programs look as professional as possible. Each day during the pandemic,  BCTV televised the daily press briefings from the state Department of Health. The information was available on the website and updated regularly. 

Like national networks, John said the team learned to use zoom effectively. He feels that BCTV became more relevant to the community and people in the community have been very appreciative of all their efforts.

John is grateful that he stayed healthy through the pandemic. He learned to appreciate the entire team at BCTV. Board members, community supporters, and  local county government officials were all very supportive. The pandemic has taught him not to take anything for granted. All can be lost in no time.

His wish for BCTV is to continue being relevant and continue to grow.


186: Chris Winters


188: Jo Schwendt