179: Nick Phillipides

VP Satelilte Sites, Olivet’s Boys & Girls Club


During Covid-19, Olivet continued to work to meet the kids in the neighborhood. Large food distribution helped lessen food insecurity for children and their families. Nick notes that 200,000 kids meals were distributed through Berks county.

Olivet instituted a virtual program to communicate with kids. A variety of videos were created so that kids could engage remotely . Olivet also instituted live virtual programs as a way to check on kids and see if they were ok.

Now that restrictions have eased, kids can come to the sites for a variety of support such as homework help, troubleshooting, and companionship. Nick is very proud of his team that works to support kids in as many ways as possible.

Nick was concerned he would carry the disease home, especially to his dad, and was grateful that did not happen. He lost a relative to complications of covid and urges people to continue to take the disease seriously and to get vaccinated.
He hopes to return to normal as much as possible.

Nicks believes that the virtual program may be beneficial during non- pandemic times. He notes that Covid-19 has reawakened the importance of Olivet and its mission. Olivet makes such a profound difference in the lives of children who are served. Nick’s hope for the future is that the Olivet kids have all they need to become successful and healthy young men and women.


178: Alec Reinert


180: Maria Harvey