17: Pat Anthony

Administrative Assistant, New Persons Ministries


New Person Ministries is a nonprofit organization that helps men returning to society from incarceration. Patrick Antosy functions as a liaison between those leaving prisons, parole agents, family members, and the halfway house called the New Person Center.

In his work, he helps provide transitional support between prison and completely independent living through this Christian ministry. Patrick often feels very appreciated by inmates released from prison who are starting over. He notes that warehousing prisoners have a devastating effect and much work needs to be done to spiritually and emotionally heal people who have paid their debt to society. He has missed being able to do prison visits in over a year; however, his team has used zoom meetings to do bible studies.

Covid has taught him how fragile our society is. He hopes that the pandemic increases our faith in God. Patrick restores himself by praying and by being in nature, especially viewing the sunset and the ocean. His wish for the future is that more people trust in God.


16: John Rush


18: Edwin Casiao