144: Kevin Bezler

President, MADJ Marketing


MADJ is a full service marketing and advertising agency here in southeast PA. 

During the last year, MADJ has supported many local businesses in an effort to help others stay open and functional.

One project Kevin helped promote is the “Do It Local” project, a project intended to help the hospitality industry with deliveries to local neighborhoods. Another project was buying gift cards from local businesses and circulating them through social media platforms in an effort to support local businesses and help them stay open. Additionally, he worked on revising web pages to help the community access what was needed, often with donated services.

Kevin’s work is 100% remote and this continued through the pandemic. 

Through covid-19, he was also working to support his regular clients. One such client is Tower Health. Kevin talked with first responders and hospital workers and filmed them to create an appreciation video to honor the staff. 

He described his work as giving back to the community with whatever it needs to stay alive and vital and he noted that the needs of individual businesses vary.  He works to help businesses and organizations with clear messaging and communicating. As an example, he helped CarTech employees learn how and where to get a vaccine.

Kevin knew about 25 people who had covid. He is very grateful that he did not lose any employees through the pandemic. On a personal level, the experience of everyone at home at the same time brought its own challenges, especially with a toddler. He has learned not to take things for granted. His wish for the future is that we as a community have a clearer vision of diversity and that we are more caring and supportive to one another.


143: Chief Tornielli


145: Dr. Bumni Ojikutu