142: Sandi Levengood

Administration, Weidenhammer Systems


Sandi Levengood works in the administrative and accounting department for Weidenhammer Systems. Her job shifted to a work from home model, and she set up her dining room for lack of a home office. Her job generates a lot of paperwork, and it felt disruptive to have multiple stacks of paperwork cluttering up her house. During the shutdown, Sandi missed having basic human interactions with her co-workers, and at times the workflow was a bit challenging. Starting in the summer, she went back to the office two days per week. At first she was frightened and kept her door closed, afraid of contracting covid since she has asthma. As time went on, though, she got more comfortable and felt like work normalized.

Although Sandi’s house felt small with her husband and two college students at home, she cherished the evenings where they would come together and watch movies.  She realizes that this time with her adult children was precious and not likely to be repeated.  Sandi does feel that her attitude towards people changed after the pandemic, in that she became less tolerant of people who were unkind to others. Her greatest hope for the future is that we can all be kinder to each other.


141: Lucy Cortez


143: Chief Tornielli