137: Liz Taylor

Contact Tracing, Co-County Wellness

Liz’s full-time position is doing administrative assistance work such as, fundraising and dealing with grants from the city and state. During the pandemic, in addition to these things, she and her colleagues were asked to help with “un-met needs of the community.” She became involved with Contact Tracing. She took a six-hour class on COVID and was immersed in support of the information and data within the system. She called it, “Support for Tracing.” 

She says, “Although people were nervous about taking with a stranger about their status…so many were grateful that someone cared enough to reach out.” She told us they mainly were, “checking to see if people were OK and giving them the info needed to follow a plan of care.”

She would also monitor them through a quarantine. “A few would say, don’t call me. This is a hoax. But most were very grateful.”

She finds herself now, ”being more mindful to be pleasant and to be thankful.” Liz hopes coming out of this we can, “Be kind to each other. We’re all going through something.”


136: Lucine Sihelnik


138: Thomas Birch