134: Jo Rivera

Nurse, St.Joes Hospital


Jo Rivera is a full time mobility nurse at St. Joseph’s hospital in Reading, PA.  Prior to the pandemic, Jo worked as the total joint coordinator; however, when surgeries shut down her job transitioned to testing people outside in the Covid tent. As more and more patients were hospitalized with Covid, she moved to be a nurse on the Covid positive floor.  Jo’s job was to visit every patient daily on the Covid floor with a nurse's aide to walk them and  try to minimize the debilitating effects of the disease.   This was a very physical and emotional role, initially a frightening proposition, but as time went on she felt safer and trusted the personal protective gear. Jo’s Covid patients were so grateful, especially given their isolation and lack of visitors, that she found this role one of her most rewarding in her 39 years nursing career.  

Unfortunately, a personal tragedy struck home when four members of Jo’s family contracted Covid, and, sadly, her sister-in-law died. Jo’s greatest wish going forward is that everyone who can will get vaccinated, allowing us to achieve herd immunity. Hopefully, she says, we will be able to put this virus behind us for good.


133: Rebecca Martz


135: Kevin Murphy