131: Michael Moletsky

Engineer Manager, Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Material


Mike and his fiancee Samantha both worked through the entire shutdown. She from home and he in the plant, 10 or more hours a day, five days a week. Prior to the pandemic, his team would tackle issues such as: project production, capital requirements, installation of equipment, infrastructure, etc. Once the pandemic hit, they also took on more responsibilities for sanitation and in-house retro-fitting HVAC units to have better air flow and ionization. All of this effort was to comply with the recommendations of the CDC.

The company was deemed essential, as it produces high end plastics for semi-conductor use, aerospace technology, the medical sector, and the defense department. They also produce high end specialty plastics used by the Marines and various branches of the military. Most of their products are never heard of by the average person.

They also make raw materials used in producing ventilator parts. In regular times those parts were produced once every three months. Now Mike has seen them run for three months straight, due to the increase in demand.

Mike’s a very social guy and found even one week of being home a challenge. So, he understands why this has been hard on so many people. He thinks this has made him a bit calmer and more appreciative of the time spent with people. He hopes more people help each other out. “Because you never know what that other person may be going through,” he said. “Even a little help goes a long way.”

On a personal note, I know he’s right. You see, Mike and Sam were my neighbors during this time. They frequently offered to make a food run, or pick something up that I might need and Mike regularly cut my grass when he was doing his own. They were wonderful neighbors and friends. Since then, they have moved and will be missed.


130: Malik Blount


132: Stephanie Leinbach